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Hi, I’m Julia. I’m originally from Hungary and I moved to the Netherlands in 2019 with my husband and our cat. I immediately felt at home here. The Dutch culture’s easygoing and straightforward nature resonated with me—it’s refreshing and inspiring.
My professional journey has been quite the ride! At first, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I earned a BSc in Horticultural Engineering and later an MSc in Biotechnology, but neither of these fields truly ignited my passion. After working in pharmacovigilance for a few years, I decided to explore something new.
That’s when I discovered coding. My initial idea was to combine my biotech knowledge with bioinformatics, but as I immersed myself in the coding community, I stumbled upon front-end development—and it was love at first sight. The creative combination of smooth web design and functional user experiences captivated me. I thrive on making things both beautiful and functional, so front-end development felt like the perfect fit.
In 2020, I landed my first front-end developer role. My first framework was Vue.js, and I enjoyed ensuring pixel-perfect designs with SASS. Later, I added React.js to my toolkit. Don’t ask me to pick a favorite—they both have their advantages and disadvantages.
Today, I’m excited to keep growing in the front-end field. I believe in living a life of constant learning, even if it means embracing the vulnerability of being a beginner. This mindset allows me to develop diverse skills and keeps life exciting.
“Give yourself permission to be a beginner. By being willing to be a bad artist, you have a chance to be an artist, and perhaps, over time, a very good one."
Creativity is at the core of everything I do, both at work and in my free time. I’m an artistic soul who loves drawing, painting, knitting, crocheting—anything crafty, really. My husband and I are also big fans of metal and rock music. We enjoy attending concerts and relaxing with a good series or movie, preferably in the horror or thriller genres.
Since moving to the Netherlands, I’ve also become quite sporty. I enjoy walking, playing paddle, squash, and yoga. My latest love is pole dancing.
I’m a strong advocate for mental health and self-awareness. I believe that when we take care of ourselves and fill our cups, we can give our best to the world. When we feel good, we are our best AND our prettiest.
As for inspiration, I don’t have one specific person who always inspires me. Instead, I draw inspiration from different people and sources depending on the phase of life I’m in and what I need at the moment.
One of my favorite quotes is by Julia Cameron from The Artist’s Way:
“Give yourself permission to be a beginner. By being willing to be a bad artist, you have a chance to be an artist, and perhaps, over time, a very good one.”
This quote perfectly captures my journey so far—embracing new challenges, learning, and growing into the best version of myself, one step at a time.